Water Craft Magazine

Water Craft Magazine Water Craft Magazine Water Craft Magazine Water Craft Magazine
Water Craft Magazine
Water Craft Magazine
Water Craft Magazine
Water Craft Magazine

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: English | Country: United Kingdom

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Subscription to Water Craft Magazine

Water Craft Magazine is your gateway to the captivating world of boats, from sleek sailboats to luxurious yachts. Brimming with stunning photography and in-depth articles, this bi-monthly publication from the United Kingdom celebrates the art and craft of boat building and restoration, all while championing affordability and environmental responsibility.

This subscription brings you the English-language print version of Water Craft Magazine, delivered six times a year. Each issue dives deep into the world of boat enthusiasts, offering practical advice for boat owners, inspirational stories for amateur builders, and comprehensive coverage of professional boat building. Whether you're looking to buy, build, or restore a boat, Water Craft Magazine is your essential guide.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Stunning photography of various watercraft.
  • In-depth articles on boat design and construction.
  • Profiles of innovative boat builders and their projects.
  • Practical tips and boat plans for enthusiasts.
  • Features on unique inventions like Dave Smith's shark-shaped submarine and Joe Rutland’s pedal-powered canoe.


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