
Tempura Tempura Tempura Tempura

Subscription: 4 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Tempura

Tempura is not just a magazine; it's a bridge between cultures. Published quarterly in France and written entirely in French, Tempura challenges the commonly held beliefs about Japan and its culture. Each issue delves into the arts, architecture, news, film, and literature that are shaping contemporary Japanese society, offering readers a fresh and relatable perspective.

This subscription delivers the print version of Tempura directly to your doorstep, four times a year. Perfect for those who are passionate about Japan or anyone looking to broaden their cultural horizons, Tempura provides an authentic insight into what the Japanese people are truly experiencing and enjoying today.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on Japanese arts and architecture.
  • Coverage of the latest news and trends in Japan.
  • Features on Japanese film and literature.
  • Relatable stories that bridge the gap between East and West.


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