
Telerama Telerama Telerama

Subscription: 52 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Télérama

Télérama brings you the best of culture news from France, satisfying all your cultural desires with articles on literature, music, cinema, theater, art, and television. A subscription to Télérama will keep you informed and entertained, offering a unique blend of in-depth reports and unbeatable style.

This subscription is for the print version of Télérama, written in French and published weekly. Each issue is crafted by professionals and experts in their fields, providing you with insightful articles and dossiers that approach society with a critical eye. With 52 issues per year, you’ll never miss a beat in the cultural sphere. The magazine also includes a weekly newsletter to ensure you stay up-to-date on all the programs you can enjoy at home with the whole family. Télérama is perfect for those who want to keep their cultural knowledge sharp and stay informed about the latest trends and events in various cultural sectors. Subscribe to Télérama and immerse yourself in a world of culture, learning, and discovery.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on literature, music, cinema, theater, art, and television.
  • Critical insights from professionals and experts in their fields.
  • Weekly updates on cultural news and events.
  • Recommendations for television programs to enjoy with the family.
  • 52 issues per year, ensuring you stay culturally enriched all year round.


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