Spektrum Geschichte

Spektrum Geschichte Spektrum Geschichte Spektrum Geschichte
Spektrum Geschichte
Spektrum Geschichte
Spektrum Geschichte

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Spektrum Geschichte

Spektrum Geschichte is a captivating magazine for history and culture enthusiasts, offering readers thrilling reports from archaeology and history. This subscription provides invaluable insights into unknown cultures and epochs, making it a must-have for anyone passionate about the past.

This subscription is for the print version of Spektrum Geschichte, a German magazine published by Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlag. It appears bi-monthly, with six issues per year. Each issue delves deeply into topics such as archaeology, history, and culture, allowing readers to explore the fascinating revelations of historical events and myths. Spektrum Geschichte covers a wide range of periods, from human evolution to modern times, and reveals how archaeologists and historians solve the unsolved mysteries of our human history. This subscription lasts for one year, delivering six issues directly to your doorstep, ensuring that you stay engaged with the enthralling world of history and culture. Dive into the intriguing stories of past civilizations and gain a better understanding of the people who lived in those times. Spektrum Geschichte is written in German and is perfect for history and culture lovers looking to expand their historical knowledge.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth reports on archaeology, history, and culture.
  • Exploration of unknown cultures and historical epochs.
  • Unveiling of historical events and myths.
  • High-quality articles written in German.
  • Six bi-monthly issues per year.


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