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Smartphone (Deutschsprachig)
Smartphone (Deutschsprachig)
Smartphone (Deutschsprachig)
Smartphone (Deutschsprachig)

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Smartphone

Smartphone is a leading magazine that delves into the world of smartphones, tablets, and apps, offering exciting background stories from the IT industry. Each issue brings you the latest product tests, app reviews, and handy tips and tricks for better device usage. It's a treasure trove of ideas for every smartphone user.

This subscription offers the print version of Smartphone magazine, published in Germany and written in German. You can choose between a yearly subscription with no minimum contract period or a yearly gift subscription that ends automatically. Enjoy six issues per year, packed with valuable insights and reviews.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth tests of new smartphones and tablets.
  • Comprehensive reviews and comments on the latest apps.
  • Exclusive background stories from the IT industry.
  • Practical tips and tricks for optimizing device use.


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