Revue Le Recueil penant

Revue Le Recueil penant
Revue Le Recueil penant

Subscription: 4 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Revue Le Recueil Penant

Le Recueil Penant, established in 1891, is the oldest and most prestigious law review on private law in Africa. It offers invaluable insights and comprehensive analysis on doctrines and jurisprudence, making it an essential resource for legal professionals.

This subscription is for the print version of Le Recueil Penant, a quarterly publication originating from France. Over the span of one year, subscribers will receive four meticulously curated issues, each brimming with articles from leading academics, magistrates, and legal practitioners. The review covers a wide array of legal domains including Social Law, Commercial Law, class action, civil cases, and negotiation. Primarily written in French, with some articles in English, Le Recueil Penant serves as a crucial research tool for jurists practicing on the African continent. Each issue not only provides commentary on the latest judicial decisions by the Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage de l’OHADA but also features special editions on topics like safety, bank guarantees, and negotiation. By subscribing, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge that is indispensable for both students and seasoned legal professionals aiming to master international legal practices.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on doctrines and commentary on jurisprudence.
  • Contributions from leading academics, magistrates, and legal practitioners.
  • Coverage of diverse legal domains such as Social Law, Commercial Law, and more.
  • Special issues on focused topics like safety and bank guarantees.
  • Primarily French content with some articles in English.


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