Revue Historail

Revue Historail
Revue Historail

Subscription: 4 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Revue Historail

Revue Historail is a magazine conceived especially for railroad enthusiasts! It takes readers all the way through railway history via thematic reports, bibliographies, reference points, reports, and more. Dive into the fascinating world of railroads with a subscription to Revue Historail and uncover the rich history and technological evolution of railways in France and beyond.

This subscription is for the print version of Revue Historail, written in French and published in France. It is designed for those who have a keen interest in the history and development of railroads. Each issue delves deep into various periods that marked the evolution of railways, offering historical reports, technical analyses, and expert insights. The magazine is published quarterly, providing four issues per year filled with meticulously researched content that brings the past and present of railroads to life. By subscribing, you will receive a year's worth of captivating content delivered directly to your doorstep, allowing you to explore the technological and industrial advancements that have shaped contemporary societies. Whether you are a seasoned expert or a passionate amateur, Revue Historail offers valuable knowledge and a unique perspective on the integral role of railroads in our daily lives.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth historical reports on the evolution of railways.
  • Technical analyses of traction processes and other technological advancements.
  • Expert insights and bibliographies on key topics.
  • Comprehensive coverage of railroads in France and around the world.


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