
Reiterjournal Reiterjournal Reiterjournal

Subscription: 12 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Reiterjournal

Reiterjournal is an informative equestrian magazine featuring regional articles on competitive sports and horse breeding in Baden-Württemberg. It serves as the official publication for various professional associations and organizations, providing valuable insights into the equestrian world.

This subscription is for the print version of Reiterjournal, written in German and published in Germany. The subscription lasts for one year, delivering 12 issues directly to your doorstep. Each issue offers a thorough exploration of topics such as the best riding schools, tips for proper horse care, functional riding apparel, FN rankings, and more. With a clear writing style, Reiterjournal is suitable for both beginners and advanced equestrians. The magazine also includes interviews with prominent figures in German equestrian sports, advice from top horse breeders, club profiles, and news on auctions across Germany. Additionally, it serves as a guide for purchasing the right sport horse and covers the training of young riders for competitions. Exciting contests add an extra layer of engagement for readers. Since its inception in 1979, Reiterjournal has been known for its well-researched, independent, and critical reporting, making it a trusted source for equestrian enthusiasts in southern Germany.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on competitive equestrian sports and horse breeding.
  • Interviews with leading figures in German equestrian sports.
  • Tips on horse care, riding apparel, and training.
  • Updates on FN rankings and regional events.
  • Profiles of clubs and news on auctions in Germany.


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