Reiten und Zucht in Berlin und Brandenburg-Anhalt

Reiten und Zucht in Berlin und Brandenburg-Anhalt
Reiten und Zucht in Berlin und Brandenburg-Anhalt

Subscription: 12 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Reiten und Zucht in Berlin und Brandenburg-Anhalt

Reiten und Zucht in Berlin und Brandenburg-Anhalt is the premier magazine for equestrians, breeders, and horse enthusiasts in Germany. This subscription provides you with the latest updates and essential information about horse riding and breeding in Berlin, Brandenburg, and Saxony-Anhalt.

This subscription is for the print version of Reiten und Zucht in Berlin und Brandenburg-Anhalt, published in German. It is an annual subscription, delivering 12 issues directly to your doorstep. Each issue is packed with valuable insights, from important tournament dates and results to training sessions, competitions, and exhibitions. The magazine also includes official announcements from the Landesverband Pferdesport Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., the Landeskommission für Pferdeleistungsprüfungen Berlin-Brandenburg, and the Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt e.V. The "Yellow Pages" section in the middle of the magazine features these announcements, complemented by listings from Saxony-Anhalt. Reiten und Zucht is widely distributed in major riding schools and equestrian shops, ensuring that it reaches its target audience of riders, breeders, drivers, and vaulting enthusiasts, as well as fans of thoroughbred and racing sports.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Comprehensive coverage of horse riding and breeding in Berlin, Brandenburg, and Saxony-Anhalt.
  • Official announcements and important tournament dates and results.
  • Insights into training sessions, competitions, and exhibitions.
  • Delivered in German, with 12 issues annually.


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