Politische Ökologie

Politische Okologie Politische Okologie
Politische Okologie
Politische Okologie

Subscription: 4 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Politische Ökologie

Politische Ökologie is an essential magazine for anyone engaged in the societal debate on sustainability. This subscription offers you access to thought-provoking content that challenges conventional thinking and explores sustainability from multiple perspectives.

This subscription is for the print version of Politische Ökologie, a German magazine that is published quarterly. Each issue delves into a central theme of sustainability, offering a rich blend of projects, concepts, and expert contributions from renowned authors. The magazine serves as a vibrant forum for interdisciplinary dialogue, bridging the gaps between science, economics, politics, and NGOs. With its visually appealing design and intellectually stimulating content, Politische Ökologie remains relevant and insightful even years after publication. By subscribing, you gain access to four comprehensive issues per year, each packed with in-depth analyses, diverse viewpoints, and practical solutions to contemporary sustainability challenges. This subscription lasts for one year and is available without a minimum subscription period. Additionally, there is an option for a one-year gift subscription that ends automatically, eliminating the need for cancellation.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Extensive coverage of a central sustainability theme from various perspectives.
  • Projects and concepts related to the theme.
  • Expert contributions from renowned authors.
  • A media review with literature and internet tips.


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