Meine Gute Landküche

Meine Gute Landkuche Meine Gute Landkuche Meine Gute Landkuche
Meine Gute Landkuche
Meine Gute Landkuche
Meine Gute Landkuche

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Meine gute Landküche

Meine gute Landküche is a heartfelt declaration of love for traditional and authentic rural cuisine. Launched in 2010, this magazine has been delighting readers with its rich content, focusing on rediscovering old recipes and presenting regional classics. A subscription to Meine gute Landküche offers you a bi-monthly journey into the essence of rural life, filled with culinary treasures and artisanal craftsmanship.

This subscription is for the print version of Meine gute Landküche, published by the esteemed Hubert Burda Media. Each issue, written in German, dives deep into the world of authentic and traditional recipes, seasonal delights, and the stories of passionate individuals who embody the rural lifestyle. With a clear focus on regional and seasonal topics, the magazine also showcases various crafts, allowing readers to uncover hidden gems of rural artistry. The target audience is predominantly women aged 50-59 with a high household income, who appreciate the nostalgic charm and genuine flavors of country living. By subscribing, you will receive six issues over the course of one year, each one a testament to the beauty and simplicity of rural traditions.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Authentic and traditional recipes.
  • Seasonal and regional culinary delights.
  • Profiles of passionate individuals living the rural lifestyle.
  • Exploration of artisanal crafts and rural artistry.


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