G Geschichte

G Geschichte G Geschichte G Geschichte
G Geschichte
G Geschichte
G Geschichte

Subscription: 16 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to G Geschichte

G Geschichte, first published in 1979, has evolved from a classroom companion to a monthly historical magazine for a general audience. Dive into the rich tapestry of history with each issue, packed with in-depth features, historical personalities, and insightful perspectives on current events.

This subscription is for the print version of G Geschichte, available in Germany. The subscription lasts for one year, providing 16 issues filled with compelling historical narratives and expert analysis. Each issue centers around a primary theme, covering various epochs and aspects of history, making it a treasure trove for history enthusiasts. Additionally, you'll find profiles of historical figures, event and exhibition recommendations, and TV tips, ensuring a well-rounded historical exploration. Twice a year, a special monothematic edition delves even deeper into a single topic, offering a comprehensive understanding. G Geschichte is published in German, catering to a diverse audience passionate about history.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth coverage of a central historical theme.
  • Profiles of significant historical personalities.
  • Event and exhibition recommendations.
  • TV tips with a historical perspective.
  • Special monothematic editions twice a year.


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