
eXperimenta eXperimenta

Subscription: 11 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to eXperimenta

eXperimenta, founded in 2002 in Bingen am Rhein, is a distinguished magazine that delves into literature, art, and society. With a subscription to eXperimenta, you gain access to a world of modern literary and artistic experiments, presented by esteemed authors and artists.

This subscription is for the print version of eXperimenta, published in Germany and written in German. The subscription lasts for one year, delivering 11 issues directly to your doorstep. Each issue of eXperimenta offers an immersive exploration of contemporary literature and art, featuring unpublished works by various authors. The magazine also includes insightful articles on the societal context of literature and its interaction with other art forms. Regular features include interviews with authors and publishers, book reviews, project presentations, reports from readings, events, exhibitions, and festivals. Additionally, you will find essays on literary and societal themes, marginalia on contemporary and classic literature, poetry, tips for authors, and information on seminars, events, radio plays, TV shows, calls for submissions, and competitions. Embrace the richness of German literary and artistic culture with a subscription to eXperimenta.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Interviews with authors, publishers, and illustrators.
  • In-depth book reviews and project presentations.
  • Reports from literary readings, events, and festivals.
  • Essays on literary and societal topics.
  • Poetry and tips for aspiring authors.


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