El Pais Domingo

El Pais Domingo
El Pais Domingo

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Subscription to El Pais Domingo

El Pais Domingo, a renowned Spanish weekly newspaper, has been delivering in-depth news and analysis since 1976. Ideal for those who wish to stay updated on Spanish and international affairs, this subscription offers a unique opportunity to enhance your Spanish language skills while staying informed.

This subscription is for the print version of El Pais Domingo, delivered to readers in Germany. The subscription lasts for one year, offering 52 issues that cover a wide range of topics including national and international politics, economy, culture, and sports. El Pais Domingo is known for its left-liberal stance and features contributions from esteemed authors like Javier Marías and Mario Vargas Llosa. As a member of the Leading European Newspaper Alliance (LENA), it collaborates with other major newspapers such as "Die Welt" and "Le Figaro," providing a broad perspective on global events. Each Sunday issue is more comprehensive than the regular weekday editions and includes editorial insights on the past week's events.

What to expect in every issue:

  • Comprehensive coverage of Spanish and international politics.
  • In-depth articles on economy, culture, and sports.
  • Editorial insights and decision-making criteria of the past week.
  • Contributions from renowned authors and journalists.
  • 52 issues per year delivered to your doorstep.


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