Bitch Magazine

Bitch Magazine
Bitch Magazine

Subscription: 4 issues per year | Language: English | Country: United States

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Subscription to Bitch Magazine

Bitch Magazine is a cutting-edge publication that delves into feminism, popular culture, and media criticism. This print subscription brings you insightful articles, thought-provoking interviews, and comprehensive reviews of books, music, and films right to your doorstep, four times a year.

Immerse yourself in engaging essays and opinion pieces on social justice issues and cultural trends, crafted by a diverse array of voices. This subscription offers you the print version of Bitch Magazine, ensuring you never miss an issue filled with recurring columns and fresh perspectives. Published in the United States and written in English, Bitch Magazine is your go-to resource for intelligent and inspiring commentary on the world around us.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on feminism and media criticism.
  • Exclusive interviews with writers, activists, and artists.
  • Insightful reviews of books, music, and films.
  • Engaging essays and opinion pieces on social justice and cultural trends.
  • Recurring columns and contributions from diverse voices.


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