Art et métiers du livre

Art et metiers du livre Art et metiers du livre Art et métiers du livre
Art et metiers du livre
Art et metiers du livre
Art et métiers du livre

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: French | Country: France

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Subscription to Art et métiers du livre

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of book arts with a subscription to Art et métiers du livre. This esteemed French magazine is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering readers in-depth articles on bookbinding, printmaking, and the rich history of books. With engaging interviews and technical guides, each issue provides a comprehensive look into the artistry and craftsmanship behind the written word.

This print version subscription delivers six issues per year, each meticulously curated to inspire and educate both seasoned professionals and passionate enthusiasts. Art et métiers du livre is written entirely in French and originates from France, making it a perfect addition to the library of any Francophile or art lover. Delight in profiles of contemporary book artists, historical studies, and reviews of the latest exhibitions and publications.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth articles on book arts, bookbinding, and printmaking.
  • Engaging interviews with artists and craftsmen.
  • Technical guides and step-by-step tutorials.
  • Historical studies related to books and printing.
  • Reviews of exhibitions and contemporary publications.


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