Akustik Gitarre

Akustik Gitarre
Akustik Gitarre

Subscription: 6 issues per year | Language: German | Country: Germany

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Subscription to Akustik Gitarre

Akustik Gitarre is the largest specialist magazine in Europe for acoustic guitarists of all styles. Published in Germany and written in German, this magazine is a treasure trove of information for both amateurs and professionals. With six issues per year, it offers in-depth reviews, artist interviews, and educational workshops.

This subscription is for the print version of Akustik Gitarre, delivered directly to your home for one year. Each issue is packed with detailed product tests of the latest guitars, amplifiers, and accessories, providing you with unbiased and expert opinions to guide your purchases. The magazine also features captivating stories and interviews with international stars and emerging artists, giving you a glimpse into the world of acoustic guitar music. Additionally, the workshop and notation sections offer practical advice and techniques from experienced authors and guest lecturers, making it an invaluable resource for improving your skills. Each issue includes a companion CD, featuring recordings of tested instruments, original tracks from featured musicians, and all the notation examples and workshops presented in the magazine.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth product tests and reviews.
  • Interviews and stories with international and emerging artists.
  • Workshops and notation sections for skill improvement.
  • A companion CD with recordings and tutorials.


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